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In the spring, there are seeds and small limbs, perfect for squirrels to snag and sneak into attics for nests. Summer storms leave branches and birds’ nests. Fall winds can mean whole limbs find their way onto the roof.

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The Opportunities for Roof Insulation Ever wonder why some roofs in town are clear of snow in the winter and some have a blanket? The answer is usually roof insulation. The more well-insulated the house, the more the heat conserved, and the snowier the roof.

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Your roof keeps you warm, dry and protected against critters. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to remain vigilant about its maintenance in the event of a strong storm.

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Improving Your Roof to Reduce Energy Costs The Difference Quality Roofing & Attic Insulation Can Make A roof is much more than just its external appearance.

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Your Lake Michigan Summer Home Maintenance Guide

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Seasonal Roof Maintenance Tips We recommend you do a quick roof inspection every three months to be aware of any problems, but you won’t need to spend a lot of time with this preventative maintenance task every time.

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Whether buying, selling, or updating a home you already own, knowing the condition of the roof is very important. J & B West Roofing and Construction recommends that every potential home buyer get a complete home inspection before any money changes hands.

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It can be very difficult to figure out how to find a reputable roofing contractor. There are many companies who show up only after storms and disappear long before the work is finished.

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Your roof does more than just keep the rain out — it protects your home from all kinds of weather and natural forces while giving you a definitive look. Matching your roof shingles to your house is the icing on the cake. It makes your house feel like a home.

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Our Northwest Indiana winters offer beautiful, snow-capped landscapes, chimneys piping smoke on cold nights, and the company of loved ones enjoying holiday festivities. Unfortunately, these comforts can come at a price if you experience a strong storm that leads to roof damage.

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